Ephemeral First Love at Stenton Museum

A naive gardener discovering her first Spring ephemerals

Spring arrived and boom!…an explosion of flowers.

One cold, late-winter day in the year 2006, I rounded the bend and there before my eyes hundreds of yellow flowers hugging the ground. I now know these as Winter Aconite – though in my gardening youth – they seemed miraculous as it must be too cold for such flowering beautifulness!

As my eyes and mind opened to new flowering possibilities – I noticed Snow Drops – now known as Galanthus – everywhere – even frozen in yesterday’s winter-rain – fallen on snow. My next discovery was the sweet smell of Daffodils. Myriad daffodils of all sizes and shapes – what heavenly scent! My foray into daffodils some blooming earlier than others – some with scent – some without. As the Spring progressed so did the ground plane in the slight woodland strip surrounding the interior landscape giving way to Trout Lilies, May Apple, Bloodroot, Ferns, and Poison Ivy – oh well, you can’t win ‘em all!